One of the Spookiest, Haunting and Thrilling nights of the entire year...All Hallows' Eve. I remember as a child the thrill of dressing up and going door to door with my cousins trick or treating until late in the night. As an adult it is still one of my most favorite holidays. I love seeing all the kids and even adults dressed up. It is just one of those holidays that brings out the kid in all of us. Tonight we joined the rest of the town trick or treating in Cody's historic downtown. The entire downtown is blocked off and all the business open their doors for trick or treaters. It was a great experience and is so much easier than going door to door. The restaurants even passed out treats for the adults consisting of free margarita coupons...woohoo! Now to put the kids to bed, turn on a horror film and drink a little Shocktop! Happy Halloween!
Pictures, stories and a little bit of nonsense about my crazy journey through life. Join me and we will stumble through this together!